Conservation oriented publications by scientists working in Israel
- Allegrini, C., Korine, C., Krasnov, B.R., 2024. Climatic gradients and forest composition shape bat communities in Eastern Mediterranean pine plantations. Integrative Zoology.
- Atzeni, L., Ilany, A., Geffen, E., Cushman, S.A., Kaszta, Ż., Macdonald, D.W., 2024. Reviving the Arabian leopard: Harnessing historical data to map habitat and pave the way for reintroduction. Biological Conservation 291, 110440.
- Azrieli B, et al. 2024. Characterising a potential nearshore nursery ground for the blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) in Ma’agan Michael, Israel. Frontiers in Marine Science 11.
- Bănăduc, D., et al.2024. Multi-Interacting Natural and Anthropogenic Stressors on Freshwater Ecosystems: Their Current Status and Future Prospects for 21st Century. Water 16, 1483.
- Barazani, O., Lifshitz, D., Mayzlish-Gati, E., 2024. Conservation of plant genetic resources in the southern Levant. Scientia Horticulturae 331, 113124.
- Berger-Tal, O., et al. 2024. Leveraging AI to improve evidence synthesis in conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39, 548-557.
- Bonsen GT, Wallach AD, Ben-Ami D, Keynan O, Khalilieh A, Dahdal Y, Ramp D. 2024. Navigating complex geopolitical landscapes: Challenges in conserving the endangered Arabian wolf. Biological Conservation 296:110655.
- Buba, Y., Kiflawi, M., McGeoch, M.A., Belmaker, J., 2024. Evaluating models for estimating introduction rates of alien species from discovery records. Global Ecology and Biogeography, e13859.
- Burdett, H.L., Albright, R., Foster, G.L., Mass, T., Page, T.M., Rinkevich, B., Schoepf, V., Silverman, J., Kamenos, N.A., 2024. Including environmental and climatic considerations for sustainable coral reef restoration. Plos Biology 22, e3002542.
- Chowdhury, S., Fuller, R.A., Ahmed, S., Alam, S., Callaghan, C.T., Das, P., Correia, R.A., Di Marco, M., Di Minin, E., Jarić, I., Labi, M.M., Ladle, R.J., Rokonuzzaman, M., Roll, U., Sbragaglia, V., Siddika, A., Bonn, A., 2024. Using social media records to inform conservation planning. Conservation Biology 38, e14161.
- Chowdhury, S., Ahmed, S., Alam, S., Callaghan, C.T., Das, P., Di Marco, M., Di Minin, E., Jarić, I., Labi, M.M., Rokonuzzaman, M., Roll, U., Sbragaglia, V., Siddika, A., Bonn, A., 2024 A protocol for harvesting biodiversity data from Facebook. Conservation Biology, e14257.
- Davidovich, U., Wachtel, I., Halevi, R., Zidon, R., Lazagabaster, I.A., Rovelli, V., Meiri, M., Porat, R., Ullman, M., Jacobi, Y., Ilany, A., Marom, N., Porat, N., 2024. Leopard traps in the Judean Desert reveal long-term impact of humans on top predator populations. Quaternary Science Reviews 333, 108667.
- Denneboom, D., Bar-Massada, A., Shwartz, A., 2024. Wildlife mortality risk posed by high and low traffic roads. Conservation Biology, e14159.
- Dubiner, S., Vardi, R., Meiri, S., Levin, E., 2024. Stressed reptiles pay the metabolic price of war. Ecology, e4370.
- Fuks, D., et al. 2024. Orphan crops of archaeology-based crop history research. Plants, People, Planet.
- Galil, B.S., Goren, M., Gayer, K., Bronstein, O., 2024. No place to call home: Distribution patterns of the tufted ghost crab, Ocypode cursor, populations in nature reserves, Israel, Eastern Mediterranean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34, e4116.
- Golumbic YN. 2024. Where does the balance lie? Scientific, societal, and individual goals of citizen science projects. Environmental Science & Policy 159:103828.
- Gombobaatar S, Ususkhjargal D, Yosef R. 2024. A Review of the Conservation Status of Shorebirds in Mongolia. Animals 14:1752.
- Grossmark Y, Azriali Zohar B, Barash A, Portman ME. Incorporation of human–wildlife interactions in ecosystem-based management to enhance conservation of endangered guitarfish. Conservation Biology e14327.
- Gupta, S.K., Ben-dor, E., Sternberg, M., 2024. Unveiling the Invasion: Advancing Ecological Mapping of Heterotheca Subaxillaris Through Integrated Remote Sensing Techniques With Drones and Satellites. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 17, 7193-7211.
- Henriksen, M.V., Arlé, E., Pili, A., Clarke, D.A., García-Berthou, E., Groom, Q., Lenzner, B., Meyer, C., Seebens, H., Tingley, R., Winter, M., McGeoch, M.A., 2024. Global indicators of the environmental impacts of invasive alien species and their information adequacy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379, 20230323.
- Kedem, R., Halasah, S., Ide, T., Feitelson, E., 2024. The role of environmental professionals in post-conflict transboundary cooperation: The cases of Israel and Jordan. Environmental Science & Policy 151, 103623.
- Kedem, R., Feitelson, E., Halasah, S., Teff-Seker, Y., 2024. Toward a Typology of Environmental Cooperation in Postconflict Settings: The Case of Jordan and Israel. Global Environmental Politics 24, 138-154.
- Klass, K., 2024. Population level behavioural responses to variation in habitat quality across multiple locations in a fragmented landscape. Animal Behaviour 207, 277-293.
- Lampert, A., 2024. Optimizing strategies for slowing the spread of invasive species. PLoS Computational Biology 20, e1011996.
- Lehnardt, Y., Barber, J.R., Berger-Tal, O., 2024. Effects of wind turbine noise on songbird behavior during nonbreeding season. Conservation Biology, e14188.
- Levy, T., Ghermandi, A., Lehahn, Y., Edelist, D., Angel, D.L., 2024. Monitoring jellyfish outbreaks along Israel's Mediterranean coast using digital footprints. Science of the Total Environment 922, 171275.
- Lewin, A., Murali, G., Rachmilevitch, S., Roll, U., 2024. Global evaluation of current and future threats to drylands and their vertebrate biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Liberman, Y.-R., Ben-Ami, F., Meiri, S., 2024. Artificial cover objects as a tool for the survey and conservation of herpetofauna. Biodiversity and Conservation.
- Lindken, T., et al. 2024. What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species? Global Change Biology 30, e17107.
- Marom, N., Peretz, A.O., Lazagabaster, I.A., Meiri, M., Meiri, S., 2024. Water voles of Lake Hula: assessing their past, present, and future. European Journal of Wildlife Research 70, 34.
- Mayrose, A., Haviv, E., Hatzofe, O., Troupin, D., Elroy, M., Sapir, N., 2024. Bonelli’s Eagle electrocution risk in Israel can be reduced by 80% by insulating only 4% of the pylons. Ornithological Applications.
- Meiri, M., Bar-Oz, G., 2024. Unraveling the diversity and cultural heritage of fruit crops through paleogenomics. Trends in Genetics.
- Meroz, A.M., Babad, A., Levin, N., 2024. Identifying the Climatic and Anthropogenic Impact on Vegetation Surrounding the Natural Springs of the Arava Valley Using Remote Sensing Methods. Land 13, 361.
- Oron, S., Friedlander, A.M., Sala, E., Goodman-Tchernov, B.N., 2024. Shallow water foraminifera from Niue and Beveridge Reef (South Pacific): insights into ecological significance and ecosystem integrity. Royal Society Open Science 11, 230997.
- Oswald, K.N., Berger-Tal, O., Roll, U., 2024. Small-scale land-use change effects on breeding success in a desert-living social bird. Behavioral Ecology.
- Qi, T., Li, Y., Huang, M., Luo, B., Peng, Z., Wang, W., Li, S., Degen, A.A., Shang, Z., 2024. Land intensification use scenarios based on urban land suitability assessment of the national park. Sustainable Cities and Society 102, 105229.
- Raz, S., Hila, S., Assaf, S., 2024. Ecological, social and economic benefits of organic olive farming outweigh those of intensive and traditional practices. Science of the Total Environment 921, 171035.
- Reznikov, K., Efrat, R., Berger-Tal, O., Sapir, N., 2024. The spatiotemporal properties of artificial feeding schemes influence the post-fledging movement of Egyptian Vultures. Ornithological Applications.
- Rossberg AG, O'Sullivan JD, Malysheva S, Shnerb NM. 2024. A metric for tradable biodiversity credits quantifying impacts on global extinction risk. Journal of Industrial Ecology.
- Rossi, V., et al. 2024. Poor online information on European marine protected areas impairs public participation under the Aarhus Convention. Marine Policy 161, 106012.
- Sabo AN, Berger-Tal O, Blumstein DT, Greggor AL, Swaddle JP. 2024. Conservation practitioners’ and researchers’ needs for bridging the knowledge–action gap. Frontiers in Conservation Science 5.
- Sánchez-Caballero, C.A., Borges-Souza, J.M., Saldierna-Martínez, R.J., Abelson, A., 2024. Assessing the Conservation Value of Artificial and Natural Reefs via Ichthyoplankton Spatio-Temporal Dynamics. Fishes 9, 166.
- Shashar, N., Oren, A., Neri, R.e., Waizman, O., Chernihovsky, N., Tynyakov, J., 2024. Artificial Reef Deployment Reduces Diving Pressure from Natural Reefs—The Case of Introductory Dives in Eilat, Red Sea. Oceans 5, 71-80.
- Spanier, E., 2024. Marine protected areas – a review of their potential effects on lobster population size & structure and fisheries management. Fisheries Research 275, 107025.
- Stark, G., Galetti, M., 2024. Rewilding in cold blood: Restoring functionality in degraded ecosystems using herbivorous reptiles. Global Ecology and Conservation 50, e02834.
- Stavi, I., Eldad, S., Xu, C., Xu, Z., Gusarov, Y., Haiman, M., Argaman, E., 2024. Ancient agricultural terrace walls control floods and regulate the distribution of Asphodelus ramosus geophytes in the Israeli arid Negev. CATENA 234, 107588.
- Tal-maon, M., Broitman, D., Portman, M.E., Housh, M., 2024. Combining a hydrological model with ecological planning for optimal placement of water-sensitive solutions. Journal of Hydrology 628, 130457.
- Wilkinson, C.E., Dheer, A., Zett, T., Torrents-Ticó, M., Yarnell, R.W., Bar Ziv, E., Bhandari, S., Jacobson, A., Dloniak, S.M., 2024. Review of the global research on Hyaenidae and implications for conservation and management. Mammal Review.
- Yadav, N., Rakholia, S., Yosef, R., 2024. Decision Support Systems in Forestry and Tree-Planting Practices and the Prioritization of Ecosystem Services: A Review. Land 13, 230.
- Zlotnick, O.B., Musselman, K.N., Levy, O., 2024. Deforestation poses deleterious effects to tree-climbing species under climate change. Nature Climate Change 14, 289-295.
- Zukerman, Y., Arnon, A., Roll, U., Berger-Tal, O., 2024. Avoiding visitors to a protected area increases predation risk for the endangered mountain gazelle. People and Nature.
- Acácio, M., Anglister, N., Vaadia, G., Harel, R., Nathan, R., Hatzofe, O., Spiegel, O., 2023. A lifetime track of a griffon vulture: The moving story of Rehovot (Y64). Ecology, e3985.
- Allan, H., Levin, N., Kark, S., 2023. Quantifying and mapping the human footprint across Earth's coastal areas. Ocean & Coastal Management 236, 106476.
- Arzi, Y., Segoli, M., Schäckermann, J., Korine, C., 2023. Providing water sources to insectivorous bats for conservation biological control in arid date plantations. Biological Control 187, 105374.
- Baeckens, S., Meiri, S., Shine, R., 2023. Foraging mode affects extinction risk of snakes and lizards, but in different ways. Conservation Letters, e12977.
- Ben-Haim, Y., 2023. Managing uncertainty in decision-making for conservation science. Conservation Biology, e14164.
- Caetano, G.H.O., Vardi, R., Jarić, I., Correia, R.A., Roll, U., Veríssimo, D., 2023. Evaluating global interest in biodiversity and conservation. Conservation Biology.
- Chang, G.J., 2023. Biodiversity estimation by environment drivers using machine/deep learning for ecological management. Ecological Informatics 78, 102319.
- Chapple, D.G., Slavenko, A., Tingley, R., Farquhar, J.E., Camaiti, M., Roll, U., Meiri, S., 2023. Built for success: Distribution, morphology, ecology and life history of the world's skinks. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10791.
- Chen, C., Holyoak, M., Xu, J., de Oliveira Caetano, G.H., Wang, Y., 2023. Range restriction, climate variability and human-related risks imperil lizards world-wide. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
- Chowdhury, S., Fuller, R.A., Ahmed, S., Alam, S., Callaghan, C.T., Das, P., Correia, R.A., Marco, M.D., Minin, E.D., Jarić, I., Labi, M.M., Ladle, R.J., Rokonuzzaman, M., Roll, U., Sbragaglia, V., Siddika, A., Bonn, A. 2023. Using social media records to inform conservation planning. Conservation Biology.
- Davies, T.W., Levy, O., Tidau, S., de Barros Marangoni, L.F., Wiedenmann, J., D’Angelo, C., Smyth, T., 2023. Global disruption of coral broadcast spawning associated with artificial light at night. Nature Communications 14, 2511.
- Dorfman, A., Subach, A., Scharf, I., 2023. Tracking spoor and field signs as a zoological research method. Animal Behaviour 203, 133-141.
- Dubos, N., Porcel, X., Roesch, M.A., Claudin, J., Pinel, R., Probst, J.-M., Deso, G., 2023. A bird's-eye view: Evaluating drone imagery for the detection and monitoring of endangered and invasive day geckos. Biotropica.
- Efrat, R., Hatzofe, O., Mueller, T., Sapir, N., Berger-Tal, O., 2023. Early and accumulated experience shape migration and flight in Egyptian vultures. Current Biology.
- Froidevaux, J.S.P., et al. 2023. A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Scientific Data 10, 253.
- Furth, D.G., Montagna, M., Magoga, G., 2023. Rediscovery of a lost semi-aquatic Leaf Beetle in the Hula Valley, Israel (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Donaciinae). ZooKeys 1177.
- Galili, O., Goffman, O., Roditi-Elasar, M., Mevorach, Y., Bigal, E., Zuriel, Y., Haitovich, Y., Hadar, N., Markovich, M., Vardimon, D., Reininger, D., Marco, S., Morick, D., Ratner, E., Tchernov, D., Scheinin, A., 2023. Two Decades of Coastal Dolphin Population Surveys in Israel, Eastern Mediterranean. Biology 12, 328.
- Ganem, Z., Ferrante, M., Lubin, Y., Armiach Steinpress, I., Gish, M., Sharon, R., Harari, A.R., Keasar, T., Gavish-Regev, E., 2023. Effects of Natural Habitat and Season on Cursorial Spider Assemblages in Mediterranean Vineyards. Insects 14, 782.
- Gavagnach, C., Ben-Ami, D., 2023. Management and Behavior of Livestock Guarding Dogs in a Multiuse Rural Landscape in Northern Israel. Rangeland Ecology & Management 88, 85-99.
- Gnone, G. ,et al, 2023. Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: Encounter Rate, Dominant Species, and Diversity Hotspots. Diversity 15, 321.
- Golumbic, Y.N., Oesterheld, M., 2023. From goals to engagement—evaluating citizen science project descriptions as science communication texts. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11.
- Grobman, Y.J., Weisser, W., Shwartz, A., Ludwig, F., Kozlovsky, R., Ferdman, A., Perini, K., Hauck, T.E., Selvan, S.U., Saroglou, S., Barath, S., Schloter, M., Windorfer, L., 2023. Architectural Multispecies Building Design: Concepts, Challenges, and Design Process. Sustainability 15, 15480.
- Groner, E., Babad, A., Berda Swiderski, N., Shachak, M., 2023. Toward an extreme world: The hyper-arid ecosystem as a natural model. Ecosphere 14, e4586.
- Guedes, P., Alves-Martins, F., Arribas, J.M., Chatterjee, S., Santos, A.M.C., Lewin, A., Bako, L., Webala, P.W., Correia, R.A., Rocha, R., Ladle, R.J., 2023. Eponyms have no place in 21st-century biological nomenclature. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Hadad, E., Kosicki, J.Z., Yosef, R., 2023. Spatial modeling of road collisions of striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) in Israel. Ecological Research.
- Hahs, A.K., et al. 2023. Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide. Nature Communications 14, 4751.
- Haran, R., Troupin, D., Izhaki, I., 2023. Dead Sea level decline pushed a sensitive ecosystem out of equilibrium, causing the relocation of a colonial bird breeding site. Bird Study, 1-12.
- Harding, S., Tapson, M., Bar-Oz, G., Cvikel, D., Marom, N., 2023. Stowaways: Maritime ecology of the oldest commensal ship rats (Rattus rattus) found on a Mediterranean shipwreck. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49, 103947.
- Jarić, I., Correia, R.A., Bonaiuto, M., Brook, B.W., Courchamp, F., Firth, J.A., Gaston, K.J., Heger, T., Jeschke, J.M., Ladle, R.J., Meinard, Y., Roberts, D.L., Sherren, K., Soga, M., Soriano-Redondo, A., Veríssimo, D., Roll, U., 2023. Transience of public attention in conservation science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
- Jarić, I., Normande, I.C., Arbieu, U., Courchamp, F., Crowley, S.L., Jeschke, J.M., Roll, U., Sherren, K., Thomas-Walters, L., Veríssimo, D., Ladle, R.J., Flagship individuals in biodiversity conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
- Ladle, R.J., Alves-Martins, F., Malhado, A.C.M., Reyes-García, V., Courchamp, F., Minin, E.D., Roll, U., Jaric, I., Correia, R.A., 2023. Biocultural aspects of species extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction, 1-21.
- Meiri, S., Chapple, D.G., Tolley, K.A., Mitchell, N., Laniado, T., Cox, N., Bowls, P., Young, B.E., Caetano, G., Geschke, J., Böhm, M., Roll, U., 2023. Done but not dusted: Reflections on the first global reptile assessment and priorities for the second. Biological Conservation 278, 109879.
- Nikolaou, A., Tsirintanis, K., Rilov, G., Katsanevakis, S., 2023. Invasive Fish and Sea Urchins Drive the Status of Canopy Forming Macroalgae in the Eastern Mediterranean. Biology 12, 763.
- Saltz, D., Cohen, S., 2023. Naturalness and principle pluralism in conservation. Conservation Biology, e14137.
- Selvan, S.U., Saroglou, S.T., Joschinski, J., Calbi, M., Vogler, V., Barath, S., Grobman, Y.J., 2023. Toward multi-species building envelopes: A critical literature review of multi-criteria decision-making for design support. Building and Environment 231, 110006.
- Silliman, B.R., Angelini, C., Krause, G., Saunders, M.I., Smith, C.S., Valdez, S.R., McLean, J.E.T., Paxton, A.B., Heide, T.v.d., Abelson, A., 2023. Editorial: Marine ecosystem restoration (MER) – a call for a more inclusive paradigm. Frontiers in Marine Science 10.
- Stark, G., Ma, L., Zeng, Z.-G., Du, W.-G., Levy, O., 2023. Cool shade and not-so-cool shade: How habitat loss may accelerate thermal stress under current and future climate. Global Change Biology.
- Stark, G., Schwarz, R., 2024. Rewilding a vanishing taxon – Restoring aquatic ecosystems using amphibians. Biological Conservation 292, 110559.
- Tadmor-Levi, R., Feldstein-Farkash, T., Milstein, D., Golani, D., Leader, N., Goren, M., David, L., 2023. Revisiting the species list of freshwater fish in Israel based on DNA barcoding. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10812.
- Thompson, K.F., Gordon, J., Webber, T., Zuriel, Y., Kobo, K., Tchernov, D., Airoldi, S., Violi, B., Verga, A., Gannier, A., Fontanesi, E., Ascheri, D., Scheinin, A.P., 2024. Threatened cetaceans off the coast of Israel and long-range movement of a sperm whale. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34, e4155.
- Tourinho, L., Sinervo, B., de Oliveira Caetano, G.H., Attias, N., Vale, M.M., 2023. Impacts of climate change on slow metabolism mammals: An ecophysiological perspective. Ecological Informatics 78, 102367.
- van Dooren, T., Price, C.J., Banks, P.B., Berger-Tal, O., Chrulew, M., Johnson, J., Lajeunesse, G., Lynch, K.E., McArthur, C., Parker, F.C.G., Oakey, M., Pitcher, B.J., St. Clair, C.C., Ward-Fear, G., Widin, S., Wong, B.B.M., Blumstein, D.T., 2023. The ethics of intervening in animal behaviour for conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38, 822-830.
- Vardi, R., Dubiner, S., Ben Bezalel, R., Meiri, S., Levin, E., 2023. Do urban habitats induce physiological changes in Mediterranean lizards? Journal of Zoology.
- Werber, Y., Sextin, H., Yovel, Y., Sapir, N., 2023. BATScan: A radar classification tool reveals large-scale bat migration patterns. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
- Zemah-Shamir, S., Peled, Y., Shechter, M., Israel, Á., Ofir, E., Gal, G., 2023. Economic Valuation of Fish Provision, Wastewater Treatment, and Coastal Protection in the Israeli Mediterranean Sea. Fishes 8, 236.
- Allegrini, C., Korine, C., Krasnov, B.R., 2022. Insectivorous Bats in Eastern Mediterranean Planted Pine Forests—Effects of Forest Structure on Foraging Activity, Diversity, and Implications for Management Practices. Forests 13, 1411.
- Ankori-Karlinsky, R., Kalyuzhny, M., Barnes, K.F., Wilson, A.M., Flather, C., Renfrew, R., Walsh, J., Guk, E., Kadmon, R., 2022. North American Breeding Bird Survey underestimates regional bird richness compared to Breeding Bird Atlases. Ecosphere 13, e3925.
- Asli, S., Abu-Alhiga, R., Algmal, S., Hugerat, M., 2022. Teaching and Learning about Bee Extinction through Project-Based Learning (PBL): Its Impact on the Classroom Climate (CL) among Eighth Grader Students. Sustainability 14, 7477.
- Avgar, T., Berger-Tal, O., 2022. Biased Learning as a Simple Adaptive Foraging Mechanism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.
- Banc-Prandi, G., Evensen, N.R., Barshis, D.J., Perna, G., Moussa Omar, Y., Fine, M., 2022. Assessment of temperature optimum signatures of corals at both latitudinal extremes of the Red Sea. Conservation physiology 10.
- Barocas, A., Hefner, R., Ucko, M., Shalmon, B., Leader, N., Geffen, E., 2022. Ruppell’s fox movement and spatial behavior are influenced by topography and human activity. Biodiversity and Conservation.
- Bar-Ziv, E., Picardi, S., Kaplan, A., Avgar, T., Berger-Tal, O., 2022. Sex Differences Dictate the Movement Patterns of Striped Hyenas, Hyaena hyaena, in a Human-Dominated Landscape. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
- Bonsen, G.T., Wallach, A.D., Ben-Ami, D., Keynan, O., Khalilieh, A., Shanas, U., Wooster, E.I.F., Ramp, D., 2022. Tolerance of wolves shapes desert canid communities in the Middle East. Global Ecology and Conservation 36, e02139.
- Caetano G.H.O., Chapple D.G., Grenyer R., Raz T., Rosenblatt J., Tingley R., Böhm M., Meiri S. & Roll U. Automated assessment reveals that the extinction risk of reptiles is widely underestimated across space and phylogeny. PLoS Biology, 20: e3001544.
- Carmi, N., Becker, N., Cohen, S., Zemah-Shamir, Z., Zemah-Shamir, S., 2022. Shattering negative stigmas and creating empathy and willingness to advocate for unpopular endangered species: evidence from shark watching in Israel. Annals of Leisure Research, 1-20.
- Chaikin, S., Dubiner, S., Belmaker, J., 2022. Cold-water species deepen to escape warm water temperatures. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 75-88.
- Charter, M., Rozman, G., 2022. The Importance of Nest Box Placement for Barn Owls (Tyto alba). Animals 12, 2815.
- Colléony, A., Clayton, S., Shwartz, A., 2022. Impacts of nature deprivations during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pre-post comparison. Biological Conservation 268, 109520.
- Comay, O., Ezov, E., Yom-Tov, Y., Dayan, T., 2022. In Its Southern Edge of Distribution, the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) Is More Sensitive to Extreme Temperatures Than to Rural Development. Animals 12, 641.
- Cox, N., et al. 2022. A global reptile assessment highlights shared conservation needs of tetrapods. Nature
- Dembitzer, J., Barkai, R., Ben-Dor, M., Meiri, S., 2022. Levantine overkill: 1.5 million years of hunting down the body size distribution. Quaternary Science Reviews 276, 107316.
- Dick, J., Andrews, C., Orenstein, D.E., Teff-Seker, Y., Zulian, G., 2022. A mixed-methods approach to analyse recreational values and implications for management of protected areas: A case study of Cairngorms National Park, UK. Ecosystem Services 56, 101460.
- Dubiner, S., Meiri, S., 2022. Widespread recent changes in morphology of Old World birds, global warming the immediate suspect. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
- Efrat, R., Hatzofe, O., Miller, Y., Mueller, T., Sapir, N., Berger-Tal, O., 2022. Postrelease survival of captive-bred Egyptian Vultures is similar to that of wild-hatched Egyptian Vultures and is not affected by release age or season. Ornithological Applications.
- El Abdouni, I., Lhomme, P., Christmann, S., Dorchin, A., Sentil, A., Pauly, A., Hamroud, L., Ihsane, O., Reverté, S., Patiny, S., Wood, T.J., Bencharki, Y., Rasmont, P., Michez, D., 2022. Diversity and Relative Abundance of Insect Pollinators in Moroccan Agroecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
- Elinson, R., Levin, N., 2022. An analysis of Amud Anan - A unique volunteered geographic information platform for nature-based recreation in Israel. Applied Geography 148, 102791.
- Fady, B., et al. 2022. Forest Genetics Research in the Mediterranean Basin: Bibliometric Analysis, Knowledge Gaps, and Perspectives. Current Forestry Reports.
- Festa, F., Ancillotto, L., Santini, L., Pacifici, M., Rocha, R., Toshkova, N., Amorim, F., Benítez-López, A., Domer, A., Hamidović, D., Kramer-Schadt, S., Mathews, F., Radchuk, V., Rebelo, H., Ruczynski, I., Solem, E., Tsoar, A., Russo, D., Razgour, O., Bat responses to climate change: a systematic review. Biological Reviews.
- Formenti, G., et al. 2022. The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37, 197-202.
- Gabay T, Rotem G, Gillor O, Ziv Y. 2022. Understanding changes in biocrust communities following phosphate mining in the Negev Desert. Environmental Research 207:112200.
- Gauld, J.G., et al. 2022. Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology.
- Gissi, E., et al. 2022. Data about marine area-based management tools to assess their contribution to the UN sustainable development goals. Data in Brief 40, 107704.
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